Interested in this technology? We are currently seeking partners in academia and industry to collaborate on further developments.
Wearable Adaptive Vibrotactile Bracelet (WAVelet) for Spasticity Alleviation
Prof. Shriya Srinivasan
Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, SEAS

This GRID accelerator project will mature our wearable mechanostimulation system from benchtop prototype to translation-ready device, incorporating critical parameter optimization and user connectivity components necessary for large-scale clinical trials in patients with spasticity. Spasticity causes involuntary muscle stiffness and contractions in over 12 million individuals worldwide, and is accompanied by a debilitating hindrance to movement, lack of independence, and chronic pain. The global market for treatment of spasticity was valued at $13.1 billion in 2023 and is projected to exceed $28.4 billion by 2030. Current approaches are invasive or time-consuming with modest to low efficacy.
Check out Professor Shrinivasan’s project featured the Harvard Gazette and in PBS's Nova Docuseries: